Jesus is the reason for the season. For unto us a child is born!
This month's power verse is Isaiah 9:6 (KJV)
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
What has 2024 done for you that has never happened to you before? Counting our blessings is a great way to round up the old year and begin the new. Talking about counting blessings, I want to thank all of my readers for a great 2024. Thanks for your feedback, encouragement and support!
I don't know about you, but for me, 2024 has had a lot of firsts:
2024 was the first year that I ever been called a "double grandma"!
On November 9 of this year, my daughter Jasmine had her second child called Felix. Now my first grandchild, Hugo, has an adorable little brother! What a blessing for our whole family!❤️
2024 was the first year that I've ever done a live concert in Copenhagen!
And it was the first time that a friend of mine took the trouble to invite 20 of her friends to attend a concert and hear about my upcoming book Change My Mind. 🩷 She also provided an amazing venue with snacks for all of the attendees making this concert something extremely special to me. Thanks, Birgitte! 🩷
And thanks to all who attended!❤️
In 2025 I hope to do more concerts of that type where you invite me in, prepare snacks for your friends where I come and play my music and speak about a topic such as forgiveness, having a peace of mind mindset, how to create music....If you are living in the greater Copenhagen/Skåne area, drop me an invitation for next year at!
2024 is the first year that I haven't decorated my whole apartment for Christmas. This year, I was satisfied with putting up some lights and getting back to work on my book. How about you? If decorating makes you stressed, why not scale down? 👍😃👍
2024 is the first year that I made one card and sent it to everyone digitally: I have a guitar repair man who is talented and helpful. Every year he gets a new, handmade Christmas card as a thank you for all the handiwork he's done through the year. I wanted to share this with you, too. Jesus is the reason for the season! But elves are fun to draw. Sending Christmas cards via email and now in the newsletter is a great way to save money - no postage!
2024 is the first time that I sent a first draft of a book to a professional editor. it's not the first time I've written a book - I've written a few, but it is the first time that I am producing a larger book (almost 90,000 words long), and sending it off for paid, professional editing. It is it has taken years to write Change My Mind and it has meant that music creation has had to wait for a time, but I'm really happy with it so far. Please pray with me for the editing process which will take three separate editing rounds: Structure, grammar and format.
Thanks to all my beta readers for your support in this process!❤️
If you'd like to help with the cost of editing please do so here! Thank you. I imagine that it will cost at least $400.
2024 is the first year I heard someone utter the words "You are a beautiful person."
People say a lot of nice things to me, but I didn't hear those golden words until this year when my friend Tanja from the Netherlands uttered them. 🩷 The word hit me and almost made me cry. I know her and admire her for her outstanding warmth, humility and creativity. So to have those words come from her meant a lot to me!❤️ Thanks Tanja!❤️
Don't ever forget that your positive and honest words have a positive, transforming power for those around you. I'm sure that you have at least one person in your sphere that you think is beautiful, helpful, honest, friendly.... Why not tell them right now before the year ends?🩷
Remember! You are a beautiful person!
Maybe you don't feel like a special person or a beautiful person, but you are. Feelings go up and they go down. But the Bible says that you and I were made in the image of God. God made you, therefore you are beautiful! Don't let harsh words get you down.
Maybe you haven't had the best 2024
Maybe a lot of negative things happened to you in 2024: sickness; bereavement; maybe you lost a lot of bitcoin, I don't know. We have all had bad things happen to us this past year, and I am not belittling what you have gone through. But
let's go forward into 2025 with our hearts thankful for the good things that have happened to us up until now and with our eyes fixed on the good that we will receive from God in the coming year.
Thanks once again for 2024!
Until Next time!
P.S. The best Christmas present you can give others is a Bible or New Testament, just saying. D.S.
Love this! ❤️