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I wish you and yours a great New Year!

As this year draws to a close I would like to thank you for being a part of what has been happening here in the Featherhead Media studio. 2020 is a year to remember in many ways for us at It was the first year we released music: 13 new songs on streaming platforms and we added many new music videos on YouTube, BitChute and Rumble. Midnight Lullaby was the best performing song on Spotify.

Stress and Press

It was an intensive year where I had tons to do and felt so overwhelmed at times that I stared at the wall. BUT, it also was the first time ever to get press coverage both in and beyond Sweden. One local newspaper called me a "rock poet". And, I was contacted through Twitter by a YouTube show called Patriots in Tune and was given an interview slot on November 10th where they also played five of my music videos. I'll be back there on the 8th of January 2021 at 10 p.m. EST Here is the interview from November if you missed it:


In this interview I give a piece of my testimony and how I got back into music after many years of not believing I could. That can be very inspiring for you! In anything you are trying to do that is good - Never Give Up!

De-boosted and boosted

2020 was the year that Twitter started de-boosting my tweets and stealing my followers. Every time I added twenty they took one hundred of my followers. It was crazy. BUT it was also the year that my YouTube subscribers grew rapidly and we almost hit the 100 mark. There are a few hours left if you'd like to help me towards that goal. THANKS! While you are there you can hear/see all the new music videos that were produced this year! Those Eyes, a new Psalm 23 (Just How Good), Troublin' Times....The latest is the song Everywhere from the Change My Mind album;

Setbacks and paybacks

I had many setbacks in 2020 like being sick for a total of a month and a half, two of my adult kids went through heart-wrenching breakups and we had the unfortunate but inevitable problems with computer updates and repairs just to name a few. BUT, it was the first year (since we started in 2016) to earn any money and we did it through CCLI/SongSelect as people downloaded the lyrics to my songs. It wasn't a great amount but still it was the first income to help pay for all the bills. So grateful!

Writing the CMM book

In 2020 I spent a lot of time, especially in the Spring, writing the Change My Mind book. I got up to a 79k word count and then I found I needed to help my family during a difficult time for about two months and lost my momentum. When I got back into the book in September, I zoomed out and got some perspective on how to tie the book together better. The plan is now, during the first part of 2021, to restructure the texts before sending my first draft to the editor. I never thought it would be this hard to clearly formulate how I progressed from stress to rest through God's unconditional love. BUT we hope to release it this year, God willing and the creeks don't rise.

New Music in 2021

We hope not only to release the Change My Mind book but there are many songs in the pipeline. We are almost done with a song that we are going to release in two languages. In Swedish it is called "Jag Lutar Mig Mot Dig Alltid" and in English (we use the same instrumentals, mute the Swedish vocals and add the English vocals), "I'm Leaning on You". It is a perky thankful worship song I wrote when I was a member of a local house church.

After that we plan on releasing a second song in the same way "Jesus, Jag Älskar Dig"/"JesusI Love You". That means four songs with the work of only two mixes. A smarter way to work! Because I feel that Sweden is my focus, and I hear from people that they want more songs in Swedish, I will try to continue to release songs in both languages in the future when this is doable.

There are other songs that are almost done that will only be released in English this year and I don't want to give them away now. It could be "Vapor". Life is complicated and things can change. So keep subscribing and I will keep you informed.

In house mastering

2020 was a year that I learned the basics of playing the piano, and got a better at playing guitar, understanding music theory and much more. Be proud of your achievements! It's fun to grow and fun to use the new things one learns!

Now that I know how to mix and release songs, I am learning how to tag and master them, too. This reduces our costs substantially! To master a song can cost $100 a song. Now, I that will be able to master my own songs, I'll save money so we can invest in better equipment instead.

Thank you for being a part of what is going on. We, (my husband and I), do this for you! I really appreciate your emails and comments. Please let me know how you are and what you would like to see more of next year!

God bless! Have a blessed New Year!

Until next time,

Liz ❤️


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