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Writer's picture: Elisabeth KitzingElisabeth Kitzing

Hi there!

Summer, Summer!

Here in Sweden it has been summer hot for about three weeks. Everything bloomed overnight and now it is dry as a bone. We need rain.

It makes me think of how we live our lives. Sometimes we push ourselves too hard for long periods of time, so long in fact that we feel dry as a bone inside. It is then we need to stop and ask ourselves where the rain comes from. What is it that replenishes your heart? For me it is a bunch of things together that "water me". Playing guitar, singing, being with my husband taking a walk,...

The other day I rode my inlines from one town to another along the seashore.

But the one thing that waters me most is time with Jesus and time meditating over the Bible. What ever "waters" you, make sure not to go in the "sun" too long. Take time to drink and be in the rain.

Mastering Update

Update. We are getting ready to master the songs of the Change My Mind Album. It is taking time to do the final mixing but it is starting to sound great! We (my husband and I) just made the decision that because of the complexity of the album (About five different genres and 10 different musicians), and the fact that we were two different co-producers involved in various tracks over the space of three or four years, we are going to need to get the album mastered professionally in order for it to be glued together and commercially viable, I don't have the expertise to do it, yet.

1140 AUS for 12 songs

We just got a price quote of about 8000 SEK from an Australian producer that has done great work before. I sense that he will be easy to work with too! A great plus.

If you'd like to help us out with the costs, please feel free to make a one time donation using the TipJar (pig icon) or why not become a patron on my Patreon page? As it is we live plainly to make this happen. We firmly believe that music is the way to get people to change their minds so they can find peace of mind. Here is the patreon link. Just klick on the picture!

Grill party time again!

I don't have any pictures for you of this but we had the opportunity to have an intimate grill party with just a few people here in Rydsgård. Our hostess treated us like royalty despite the fact that she just got to know us recently. Amazing. We ate and ate and spoke about life, how getting burned out is so prevalent in society and how it had plagued us both,

After the awesome food, I shared some songs about the need to find peace of mind and how and where to find it. Our hostess was moved to tears by the song Questions that is coming on the Change My Mind Album. (You can find the lyrics on the lyrics tab on our homepage here. Now she is looking forward to the album. This is the way I love to share - at people's homes. First I listen to their story and then I tailor some of my songs for them. If you live in Sweden and you want a house concert, let me know.

GDPR - Policy Statement

As stated in my previous blogpost this month, there has been a great deal of discussion about how websites use your private information such as epost addresses and such. By now you have probably been swamped with all sorts of emails about this so this should be old school by now. I just want to let you know that our policy about GDPR is now uploaded in its entirety on the Featherhead Media home page.

You can view it here.

Time flies....

The past few weeks have been intensive! I continue to fix the songs so that they are beautifully orchestrated and sonically consistent (i.e. sound good on all types of speakers), so that they are ready for mastering. I have been to a few grill parties and I will be traveling this week while my husband works, (poor guy). I am going to a high school graduation party and am going to do my first photo shoot with a photographer for the new album. on Wednesday and will be attending my son's examination from college. (Johan will also be there.)

So, this week I won't be able to work much if at all with the music, That's life. I hope this post finds you happy and healthy. Enjoy each day as it was your last. Love is the only thing that grows larger as you give it away...

Please contact me if you have been receiving these emails too often. I have had a problem sending them that I hope I have addressed now.

Want to unsubscribe? Just send me an email at and tell me "Opt out". I don't have any automatic way of unsubscribing people yet. It may take me a few business days but your wish is my command.

Like these posts? You who like these emails/posts, please share them with your friends, explain who I am and why you follow me. Maybe they would like to listen to some of the songs too...and be blessed!

Thanks! Have a great time in the sun!

- Elisabeth!


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